1001 SIM
history online since 18 april 2002
The Sims history
in a chronological sequence
at the bottom of the first page please
the experience
of Ra
note please this is not an
but Ra's subjective view of the incidents
you'll find DLs here in
their chronological appearance on
marked with a DL
with PIC
are marked files, which are no more available for
DL for you
you can just see, what one can make for this game
with a lot of blood, sweat & tears
if not otherwise stated are all files made by Ra
past <<< |
presence |
future |
Date |
incidents |
2005 |
new world order!
so the brave PayPal decided, that ist a crude porn
site, which offers abusive stuff & makes that
way a mount of money & so doesn't deserve to
be supported by the moral watchman of the
worldwide money flow - what a joy to be reminded
which is a monopoly's might |
2005 |
the difference between a game, which offers to
the player the possibility to implement own made
stuff & sims, especially sims2?
* sims/sims2 is supporting the world of
consumerism & a possibility to some/few to
produce creative
* the game, which i would like is supporting a
world of creativity for players, which get the
needed simple tools into their hands to produce
by themselves in an easy way own stuff - there is
of course enough space too for extraordinary
quality stuff, made by real geniuses, but in the
main the game is made for nobodies, which are
happy to manage how to slash a color near another
one & call that product 'a gown'
if i think about the difficulty to handle a 3D
prog, is a game in 3D not the real medium to get
folks to be creative besides maybe of pure
decoration & arrangement after the DL of
stuff produced by the geniuses
* btw. sims/sims2 is supporting also a world of
stardom, which i deeply despise
2005 |
stumbled recently about a new problem of Sims2
the PACKAGES files
i suppose that the overall problem is known to at
least several files creators, but i suppose also,
that it is not really gotten in it's entire
so i try to explain ...
in SimsO(riginal) the most
complex files are the family & the house
files, it's not different to Sims2
the difference lies in the by Maxis programmed
files management
in SimsO(riginal) those files do contain a sort
of a TAG mentioning the basic file from which the
actual file (object eg.) was 'cloned' & if i
PACK a house or family file there, the game does
not include in the concrete the actual file at
all, just the TAG mentioning that actual file
& so, if i didn't download that actual used
file before i put the new downloaded family/house
file into my game & before i play that new
family/house file, in the result the game
REPLACES the actual used file by the creator of
that family/house file through (mostly) a Maxis
created one or (here & there :oP) any other
'matching' (along some sort of screwed & not
clearly defined routine) file, which i have in my
means in the effect for the creator of
family/house files, that he needs to accomplish
it with an additional, deliberately offered DL of
the actual used files in order to offer to the
downloader the actual created family or house in
all its ment complexity
otherwise, the downloader will get a family or
house with a 'poorly' decorated house or a
'poorly' designed sim
OR!!! the game will crash
& i suppose that potential of crashing was
the basic argument for Maxis to change that
program in Sims2
now the family/house files (& also a singular
sim file) includes everytime i pack it to a
PACKAGE all the by me used 'under-files'
(genetics, clothing, hair, objects, terrain
design 'colors' etc.)
means, that in order to not to violate the
creator's rights of the actually used files i
have to have a virgin pure downloads free game
do you think i exaggerate? no, it is not enough
not to use the with a star marked files within my
creation of a sim/family/house:
1. since there are eg. Maxis created objects,
which are 'allowed' to be included but are the
same marked by a star & there are of course
my own creations, which are also marked by the
same star
2. added the fact, that the space for an info,
which can be add to a file to mark it as
'forbidden' is very scarce
3. additional the half senseless automatic file
naming by the game, so i cannot track the origin
of a file really
4. the meantime even worse way of the game as in
SimsO to throw all the by me produced files into
some folders (i lost meatime the track how many
'there' are & where they are too, since there
are several places, which the game is using)
5. originally by Maxis meant, i cannot edit the
once created Sim, if i remove a by a design of a
Sim used file, the game replaces it somehow by
some other matching file, same as it is in SimO,
but different as in SimsO, now i do NOT have ANY
direct access to the files, they are all
PACKAGED, no bitmap files, no meshes files lying
somewhere extern around
in order to replace deliberately a file included
in a package i have to hack in
without i cannot even edit my own created
packaged files, especially not the Sims
6. & the top is that the PACKAGES do gather
also files, which are not really needed - do you
think i am joking? no, a simple house without
even an ExPack installed, without furniture,
without painting of the terrain, without any
other added file than the strictly just the by a
star UNmarked Maxis windows, doors, one floor
& one wall contains some weird files
is that a BUG? looks like
& it remembers myself indeed of virusses or
spam at least, since the packed file is actually
bigger than it had to be!
given that, the policy rules stated by the
creators eg. on their websites runs against the
practice of that game
just a creator, who does NOT download any
singular file from none site at all can be really
sure, that he's not using a forbidden file
any other, even the most cautious creator, who'll
offer own files, but has also files downloaded
from other sites is in permanent danger to pack a
file, which is 'forbidden'
all in all, this is not really a base which
allows a frictionless & enjoyable creating of
files for that game
the solution would be, same as it was before,
that Maxis/EA had really to care for the Sims
community & not just how to popularize
stronger their game also 'dearly welcomed' on the
back of the fans for that game
i am designing my game once again further after a
creative pause
a fresh look at my game & at Sims2 is
everytime really enlightning which has to be
programed in & which should not
2004 |
bought & installed TS2 in october
played for 2 weeks maybe & tested the
possibilities, changes & borders
the result is, i not even start the game since
the last 2 weeks anymore
i made few files for TS2, some houses, families
with & without gen mods, some new head meshes
with the Body Shop, very few skins for make up,
clothing, gen skins
i DLed also some files from thesims2.com &
looked, what's to get on fan sites
* Maxis made the Sims animations astonishing well
& in a great mass
* the building section is improved a lot, but
there is a too big mass of bugs, glitches &
borders still
* the buying arrangement is So La La, some
improvents, many new confusions & still the
preprogrammed chaos, which will unavoidable
appear already after the first 20 new user made
objects are in
* the new navigation & arrangement in the
neighborhoods is ok
* the Body Shop is at least a middle big
catastrophe / some points about / too dark light,
bordered view of the meshes, frustrating
difference between the possibilities to modify
the meshes within the game (family creation)
& Body Shop, confusing & fussily
navigation, the purest chaos of files appearing
already after my first 50 files, i do not find
anything really anymore !!! & i cannot
recognize anymore which file is made by me &
which is DLed (well, stupid me, i had to be
overcontrolling !!!)
before the release of the game, i have feared
that it would be a big problem to create files
because of the 3D meshes - how many people can
manage a 3D prog? & how many will learn it
indeed? -
but it came differently
Maxis didn't offer any tool to allow to implement
own objects at all
& that Body Shop for skins & head meshes
is, plain said, a bad joke
body meshes? walls & floors? roofs? carpets?
so, Maxis/EA have decided where they are pointing
to & this is more than ever not where i will
& i am not that dumb, to repeat all the
health draining craziness for Maxis/EA as a free
creator, since their policy of constant neglect
of creative fans is striking
i am working now again on my game
it won't be at first 3D, & if it will ever
reach the status of 3D depends rather on the easy
handling of a 3D prog, which is not in sight for
the next years, so the game will be plain 2D
i concentrate at first on the easy possibility to
add player created content into the game,
anything else, eg, the interactivity of the
game's creatures stands aside & will be added
first after the interface between game &
player is working excellent
the beginning, including an overall shape is done
maybe i'll post here a screenshot in the next
2004 |
added a pure DL site, so from now on, no need to
pick the files out of the chronological text
2004 |
the relation between pay sites, free sites &
donations sites
there are of course still alot of totally or
mainly free sites, means, which are providing
their work to the folks for free & dealing
somehow with the possibly costs of the DL traffic
mostly are those sites small, new & unknown
& as long their work is updated seldom, scars
& of a bad up to average quality will the
site stay free for a long time, but
if the creators are productive & eager to
improve the own abilities, if they update often
with an increasing quality of the files, then the
traffic breakdown is near
in such a situation is to offer donation files a
sort of solution to cover the costs at least for
a while
& i suppose it will work mainly for those
creators, who point to remain still on a level of
amateurs & if they cover their daily living
costs from a usual job eg. & if they value a
little acknowledgement for their work high - that
sort of pay out is probably usual for older
creating members
but if a creator is young, a design student
maybe, with some future goals, where time &
work is a high valued good, so after the first
euphoria is the usual acknowledgment in the sims
web by far not enough
& that sort of a combination* will end for a
site soon in closing, moving as designer to
another site, which will have then the traffic
probs or ending in a pay site after a probably
transition period of donation files
since 2001, the first year in which pay sites
started to appear & the donation files
started to be normality has the sims web changed
its face
in the first year people have experimented more,
searching for a sims web direction, up to the
release of Hot Date (base game + the first &
second expack) Maxis/EA experimented same &
was undecided & cautious in changes to the
game's engine - HD brought a sharp change in EA's
policies to the game & to the sims web, the
game started to be used to recruit new fans
mainly, serving the changing fashions in &
outside the sims web more than the game's
consistency (sex, relations, buying, outgoing,
amusement, pets, gardening, magic boom, superstar
in the sims web was the main change, EA's relief
of web sites to earn "some" money to
"cover the costs"
the result of the second within the web was then,
that unexperienced & naive creators had to
deal with the traffic & lack of
acknowledgment, while pay sites gathered becasue
of their omnipresence & force to manage a big
amount of files & smooth working service the
main acknowlegement - sims surfers are still
claiming a service, & do not realise that a
private fan site is not a money making company,
that to work for free out of fun to create is not
to compare with a creative paid work of employers
the result of the first, the changes done withing
the game engine, is nearly not realised by noone,
after some confusement, the most fans were
confident with the decreased account of bugs
& crashes within the game & the remaining
adapted their creations to the stronger &
closer drawed borders of that new game engine
the main changes were done withing the sims
meshes, bordering them to the FIT-FAT-SKN types,
that might be a "small" change, but far
in the consequences to the way of sims creation -
less experiments, more normality & the
exploding concentration on female haircut
fashions & clothing
the high increased interaction of sims with each
other & especially with the objects, the
widening the possibilities of the game far beyond
the dwelling borders (downtown, vacation ressort,
old town, magic town, glamour town) have brought
more confusion for creators than an explosion of
the main new user created files offered in the
sims web are since years tons of room sets, with
static functionality (one can see often sims
sitting around & reading) made mainly for the
usual dwelling, so made for the first 2 ex packs
HD - on much fewer sites, there are also some
shop & restaurant arrangements, which are
mostly cloned & recolored & not changed
in shape
UL - for the gardening & pets there are just
singular sites, offering really inventive &
unusual files
files for vacation resorts are seen nearly not at
few files here & there for SS
magic city files are also available very seldom
& mostly cloned/recolored
* increasing quality, increasing traffic costs,
increasing work & time spent with creation
& site management, decreasing acknowledgment
- the fan fun turning to strenous work
may 2004 |
Sims moved from sims to
second life
well, let's say, i'm some lost between all the
possibilities, which are none
what i find regarding that simulation stuff is
not what i like to have
all is too aggressive, too commercial, too much
about popularity
all that i can have in my normal human life, if i
will, so why the shitty same in a simulated world
where is just the first sims innocence gone?
may 2004 |

so SimSkins is now a pay
site too - well - was predictable as there is no
escape from the dilemma of popularity, good
quality & no support from the official side

Frilly Sims & Pickle Sims try another way -
they invented a common pay site with some objects
sets & meshes/skins
i am very doubtful about the success of that
it is indeed still hurtful to see fans creating
at first for fun just to be slammed by their own
creativity, productivity, talent & striving
for quality
& EA is chaffing their hands about so many
cheap workers ...
may 2004 |
like many sims creatives escape the meantime
chronic traffic costs (usually known as
"bandwidth") of an own website opening
eg. a yahoo group
there are meantime over 1000 such groups offering
any sort of sims files
april 2004 |
days ago i started after months of disinterest
The Sims, which are still in my HDs, probably out
of pure laziness to remove all the thousands of
files, however - i was bored to death - for the
first time i realised not mainly the tiredness to
deal with all the borders, bugs & balks but
the tiredness of the gameplay itself, which
turned to boredom - i have meantime so far all
expacks, but although i installed MM short after
i bought it, so the SS is still untouched & i
start to doubt, that i will ever install it at
in the last months i tried "BeBop", a
pixel version of Sims for PDAs & i played
very little "Singles", a german mix of
Sims & Big Brother - both games are lacking
unfortunately, what made me stay in touch with
that sort of games - the possibility to implement
my own creations into the game
so why not back to Sims?
i surfed the last 3 days through the Sims web
again, & i met as ever a flood of feminine
way to decorate the simulation of a shallow
consumption reality, there are of course still
some unusual sites with some experiments to widen
those borders, but how can it be possible to
implement real experiments into a predetermined
cycle of nothing than a human, white, christian
& western normality - there is no escape
& no space for something realy new - the Sims
space will be ever bordered to this normality -
all, to what i would like to widen this game is
not possible - result: boredom
Sims 2 - i do not expect any radical change in
the course of to be bored - to make that game
more diversified & more complex & more
like the above described reality is not making it
more interesting, but speeding up the appearance
of boredom - well, i will buy it, i will test it
what's with my own game?
the main cause, why the tryouts haven't crossed
the beginning is mainly my lack of decision to
make it at all - nevertheless, i haven't quit the
idea, so maybe one day i'll come up with that
game, currently nothing new about to say
well - there is a new version of the Tmog 2.0 - a
Beta version - ok, Don Hopkins' tinkering further
with Sims - probably we will see that tool
implemented one day into the game officially -
maybe i'll test that Beta, maybe before i
deinstall Sims for good
presently Sims are for me more interesting as the
websites appearance than the game itself &
somehow i think the most of the creating fans,
especially the experienced one feel like that
too, sounds schizophrenic - because of that only
remaining interest, i'm updating once again a
little the Links section, very tiring, as ever